

  • asynchronous events (checking, callbacks)

  • awaiting a single asynchronous event
  • difference to async-await pattern

  • polling for a single asynchronous event

  • awaiting or polling for one out many asynchronous events
  • awaiting or polling for all out many asynchronous events

  • proxies
  • task does not directly wait for a resources, but uses a proxy object that represents the waiting.
  • the proxy can be allocated on the stack
  • the proxy encapsulates an asynchronous event and all other information about the waiting (e.g. result)
  • the proxy concept allows to clearly separate three stages of waiting: (1) begin or prepare (2) block (3) end or follow up.
  • that separation, in turn, allows to begin a multitude of waitings, then block only once in order to await (any subset) of the respective asynchronous events, then end the multitude of waitings.
  • this leads to greater flexibility in task design and less context switches / overhead

  • the typical synchronization API

  • wait_begin(proxy) … begin, not blocking
  • wait_end(proxy) … end, not blocking
  • in between, there is supposed to be a call to ao_await(), that might block.

  • wait(resource, timeout) … begin, block until timeout expires, end
  • wait_from(resource, timeout, beginning) … begin, block until timeout expires, end

  • wait_forever(resource) … begin, block indefinitely, end

  • wait_try(resource) … begin, end


The following modules provide synchronization primitives.

ao_are.h Auto-reset events.
ao_barrier.h Execution barriers where tasks can meet.
ao_bsem.h Binary semaphores.
ao_cond.h Condition variables.
ao_mail.h Mail for asynchronous messaging.
ao_monitor.h Monitors.
ao_mre.h Manual-reset events.
ao_mutex.h Mutexes.
ao_num.h Numbers based on the fastest unsigned integer type.
ao_num8.h Numbers based on the 8-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_num16.h Numbers based on the 16-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_num32.h Numbers based on the 32-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_num64.h Numbers based on the 64-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_pmail.h Priority mail for asynchronous messaging.
ao_queue4acq.h Priority queues for acquired memory blocks.
ao_queue4obj.h Priority queues for objects.
ao_queue4ptr.h Priority queues for pointers.
ao_recv.h Receiving bytes.
ao_recv_acq.h Receiving acquired memory blocks.
ao_recv_obj.h Receiving objects.
ao_recv_ptr.h Receiving pointers.
ao_rendezvous.h Rendezvous.
ao_rw.h Readers-writer locks preferring readers.
ao_sem.h Counting semaphores.
ao_send.h Sending bytes.
ao_send_acq.h Sending acquired memory blocks.
ao_send_obj.h Sending objects.
ao_send_ptr.h Sending pointers.
ao_signal.h Signals.
ao_sleep.h Sleeping.
ao_stream.h Streams for bytes.
ao_stream4acq.h Streams for acquired memory blocks.
ao_stream4obj.h Streams for objects.
ao_stream4ptr.h Streams for pointers.
ao_threshold.h Thresholds based on the fastest unsigned integer type.
ao_threshold8.h Thresholds based on the 8-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_threshold16.h Thresholds based on the 16-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_threshold32.h Thresholds based on the 32-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_threshold64.h Thresholds based on the 64-bit unsigned integer type.
ao_wr.h Readers-writer locks preferring writers.
ao_xch.h Exchanges for client-server messaging.